Tag Archives: Staffs & Worscester Canal

I Keep on Thinking it’s Sunday.

As the Pain au Chocolate had been eaten yesterday, there was little point in staying in bed too long….coffee was drunk, bed put away a nd the boys were on the move by 8.30. A short time later and one graceful sweep of the tiller saw us onto the Trent and  Mersey at Great Heywood…..

Sunshine on a Holiday.

I love mornings in the marina. The whole trip is ahead of us and the possibilities are endless. If we are lucky, the sun is shining too. This morning we were lucky. We set off at about 10am after a Marcus cooked breakfast of bacon, vegetable burgers (don’t ask!!) and baked beans. An uneventful trip….

Pre-Holiday Weekend

Water tank topped up?- Check!. Batteries charging ok?- Check!! Store cupboard topped up?-Check! Beer cupboard topped up? Check! All those chores were completed by 2pm on Saturday- we were feeling snug & cosy on the boat, so we decided to “up the game” a little and take a chilly trip down towards the Fox &….

A Day of Firsts for Harebell.

We took full advantage of the extra hour this morning; I lit the fire then went back to bed. After sorting out more wood and doing a few housekeeping chores, we set off for the locks. As we were the only boat on the move,we were guiding Harebell on to the Severn, for the first….

Enjoying the Lower Staffs and Worcester

Again this morning, the spirit was willing but the mind said “stay in bed”!! However,it was a gorgeous sunny day and the canal beckoned. We set off and wound a few locks and worked up an appetite for breakfast. Chef Marcus cooked on the move and as a result, tasted better than usual. Again, uneventful….

Wolverhampton 21 and the BCN

                      We arrived last night and only got as far as the Fox and Anchor. This morning we intended to get a good start but a lie in was just too tempting. We had the traditional boating breakfast of bacon & egg sarnies (please can….

Pottering Around; Messing About by the Canal.

Absolutely no hurry to get up this morning, even though the birds were singing and the sun was shining. We decided upon bacon & egg sarnies for breakfast (how come they did not taste as good as they did when I was steering down the W&B??) eventually, we headed on towards Kinver, mooring up below….


  After a peaceful night in Digilis Basin, it was time to tackle the mighty Severn again. We started off a little later than we had planned, dropping down onto the Severn at about 9.10am. The level had dropped quite a lot, but the flow was still strong. Needless to say that our progress upstream….

To shower or not to shower? That is the question.

Staffs & Worcester Canal – 17 Locks                Well we arrived yesterday afternoon, after a pleasant journey down in bright clear weather. Until we were a few miles from our exit junction on the M6 – the rain was torrential, so we exited early and took the back roads,….