Tag Archives: Trent & Mersey Canal

Thoughts of Distance as End of Holiday Looms!

Mindful of the amount of boats moored in Stone, with a lot of them facing our direction, we felt that we needed and early-ish start or we’d be queuing at locks. Despite our best intentions, a boat did come past us but when we caught up with them at the next lock, not only were….

Off The Caldon and the Start of a New Trip

Staircase Locks - Caldon Canal

Caldon Canal & Trent & Mersey Canal – 19 Locks Not doing things by halves has become something of a fact of boating. We were heading back home, via the Birmingham & Fazeley and the Wolverhampton 21. We wanted to be off the Caldon before the junction got clogged up with boats for the festival,….

I Keep on Thinking it’s Sunday.

As the Pain au Chocolate had been eaten yesterday, there was little point in staying in bed too long….coffee was drunk, bed put away a nd the boys were on the move by 8.30. A short time later and one graceful sweep of the tiller saw us onto the Trent and  Mersey at Great Heywood…..

An Epic Journey.

     Today we knew that we would have to cover some ground if we were to stand any chance of getting back to the Marina by Monday afternoon. We set off at 7am and it was a perfect boating day. The canal was almost ours. We think that any souls around that early on….