Category Archives: Bitten by Boating- Buying our Boat

Haggling for our Boat

Buying a Narrowboat

Well, it was make or break day today. We decided to open the Harebell Negotiations at a cheeky £16,000. We soon got a call rejecting that offer, but accepting £17,500. Marcus was quite sure that we should counter offer £17,250 and although I just wanted to seal the deal on Harebell, I made the call….

Falling in Love with Harebell

Finding a Narrowboat to buy.

Really, Marcus is just the jammy one- I have sat for hours looking at boat after boat after boat, finding nothing. The first one he looks at (on a webpage that I’d left open and walked away from, before getting the chance to browse properly) and he spies Harebell. When we first saw her, we….

Just not what we were expecting….

Looking at Charlie Fox Narrowboats

They say the camera never lies, and in reality it doesn’t. However it can give a very different impression. The human mind can also edit their minds eye into whatever is in their mind; that’s what I did with Ambassador. On a rainy Friday afternoon, we found out that Aqua Roma can never be beaten-….

Back to Work and Trying to Source Some Funding.

Well, at the moment we seem to be ranging from 2 opposing emotions. One minute we are happily thinking to ourselves “hey man, this is cool- a little bit of extra debt we can handle and we can cut back on other things and at the end we’ll own a boat- aren’t we just the….

Pottering Around; Messing About by the Canal.

Absolutely no hurry to get up this morning, even though the birds were singing and the sun was shining. We decided upon bacon & egg sarnies for breakfast (how come they did not taste as good as they did when I was steering down the W&B??) eventually, we headed on towards Kinver, mooring up below….