We awoke with a mixture of excitement & fear this morning and masses of questions. Would we be able to negotiate a good price? Will we be able to afford the remedial work? Would the seller change his mind and decide to keep her after all? Would the seller get offended at our low offer and pull out? Would the seller disregard all that we said was wrong with her and bury his head in the sand?? I am sure that you get the picture. I had spent weeks not counting my chickens, aware that sales fall through, but inevitably conversation at home had gradually changed from “if we get Harebell…” to “when we get Harebell…” so I am sure you see the reason for our butterflies.

A call to John on the brokerage, a run down of the issues she faced and an offer of £15,000 was all over in a matter of minutes, the phone call ended & the waiting game began. We didn’t have long to wait, as John called  back saying that the buyer was “receptive”……A good start. They indicated that they would accept £16,000. We did too and in a matter of minutes the deal was done, money paid and the first part of our journey was over. Time for the butterflies, questions & uncertainties to disappear and let Harebell’s new chapter begin.

That lovely, lovely boat, in all her battered glory was ours. Ours to love and to look after, to sand down & repaint, to give her the new gearbox and set her towards the amazing family boat that will be loved throughout the years.

Purchase Day
Harebell now belongs to the Hacker Family.