Category Archives: Travels with NB Harebell

An Epic Day to Birmingham- True Hacker Style!

As yesterday was a bit of a short day, Marcus wanted to get a good start this morning. True to his form, he was awake and about at least 6.30am!  I did not hear him moving about until a little while later and was NOT IMPRESSED at the ungodly hour! Marcus however, was on a….

Later Start- Later Finishing in the Day.

Well, the forecasters were correct and we woke up to the sound of rain on the roof. Not just light showers, but the heavy, in for the day, rain that comes in heavy bursts. We made the most of the opportunity and had a lie in and a leisurely breakfast. I even had to light….

Thoughts of Distance as End of Holiday Looms!

Mindful of the amount of boats moored in Stone, with a lot of them facing our direction, we felt that we needed and early-ish start or we’d be queuing at locks. Despite our best intentions, a boat did come past us but when we caught up with them at the next lock, not only were….

Off The Caldon and the Start of a New Trip

Staircase Locks - Caldon Canal

Caldon Canal & Trent & Mersey Canal – 19 Locks Not doing things by halves has become something of a fact of boating. We were heading back home, via the Birmingham & Fazeley and the Wolverhampton 21. We wanted to be off the Caldon before the junction got clogged up with boats for the festival,….

Homeward Bound – Sort Of!!!

  Waking up in Froghall Basin was a laid back and peaceful experience. The toilet block was nearby, so I was quite happy to pad off in my slippers & pyjamas! We knew we really needed to leave today, but were in no massive hurry, so completed all the “boatkeeping” chores; rubbish, toilet, clearing up….

I Keep on Thinking it’s Sunday.

As the Pain au Chocolate had been eaten yesterday, there was little point in staying in bed too long….coffee was drunk, bed put away a nd the boys were on the move by 8.30. A short time later and one graceful sweep of the tiller saw us onto the Trent and  Mersey at Great Heywood…..

Sunshine on a Holiday.

I love mornings in the marina. The whole trip is ahead of us and the possibilities are endless. If we are lucky, the sun is shining too. This morning we were lucky. We set off at about 10am after a Marcus cooked breakfast of bacon, vegetable burgers (don’t ask!!) and baked beans. An uneventful trip….

Windy Weather…..

A gorgeous morning through the locks at Audlem this morning. Well maintained and a beautiful flight- they really are a pleasure to work ….although the boatmen of long ago may not agree with me; those on their way up would have just swapped horses at the bottom and would be pushing on, working hard. We….

Sunshine & Showers on the Shroppie.

Sunshine and showers seem to be setting the tone here on the Shroppie. Last nights spot at Knighton was perfect and we keen & refreshed towards Tyrley Locks, ready for some “action” after yesterdays long stretch. we were behind the hire boat that was chasing our tail yesterday…..naturally, every lock was going to be against….

Pre-Holiday Weekend

Water tank topped up?- Check!. Batteries charging ok?- Check!! Store cupboard topped up?-Check! Beer cupboard topped up? Check! All those chores were completed by 2pm on Saturday- we were feeling snug & cosy on the boat, so we decided to “up the game” a little and take a chilly trip down towards the Fox &….

Slow Along the Stratford

A lazy morning after the last 2 full days. Still a lot of distance needed to be travelled and the days were skipping by. A tense moment when the engine took some starting, but the batteries held out and all was well. A slow and tedious trip along the shallow Stratford, we got stuck on….

Tardebigge Day- Rite of Passage for James & Harebell

When we moored last night, there was a boat, facing our direction that looked “Tardebigge ready”. However this morning we didn’t want to start the day all out of sorts, so we had breakfast and coffee. It was the earliest we had all been up this trip, but still the other boat just got away….

A Day of Firsts for Harebell.

We took full advantage of the extra hour this morning; I lit the fire then went back to bed. After sorting out more wood and doing a few housekeeping chores, we set off for the locks. As we were the only boat on the move,we were guiding Harebell on to the Severn, for the first….