We arrived at Chapel Hill about 2.00- still can’t get over the 10 minute car ride to get to the boat. We messed about for a while, not really wanting to get going; once we started the trip, that was it, we’d be on our way to it finishing! I had half a mind to turn left instead of right, phone Torksey, book a passage and zip on up to the Chesterfield. However, common sense and the weight of financial and parental responsibility took over and we headed out, as planned, towards Boston. The sun shone and the Witham was gorgeous and we flew down, arriving at Anton’s Gowt in about an hour an a half. This was the furthest down the river we’d been so all new adventures awaited. We tucked on the end of the visitor mooring pontoon and whiled away the hours.Polished Brass

On the previous day trip, I’d started polishing the brass fireside set and, impressed with how shiny the brass came and a tinge of boredom, started polishing the portholes. My goodness, what a shine!! The whole process of seeing items magically shine after the rub of some cleaner was truly addictive! Needless to say, 2 portholes, 2 lamps and a kettle later the addiction wore off, my fingers were sore and covered in brass polish residue, so it was surely time to stop!

A quick dinner of a Harebell staple diet of Spaghetti Bolognaise and the evening had dissappeared. However, we were treated to the most amazing sunset and as always on a Friday night, the promise of the whole weekend ahead.